
Building Josys: A fascinating Experience of Cultural Integration, Collaboration and Paradigm Shift

Imagine a prophecy like this from a couple of years ago: 

A high-tech Japanese company would start a software R&D centre in India completely virtually, assimilate top-notch talent, integrate them with a new business development team in Japan, bridge the language/culture/distance gaps, build a B2B SaaS platform from scratch and take it to successful commercial launch - all this within a year - without any team-member physically seeing/meeting anyone else on the team. 

Most would readily agree that it makes for some interesting modern day fiction. But this is exactly what was accomplished with the launch of RAKSUL India in September 2020 and consequently the launch of JOSYS product on September 1st, 2021. By undertaking this initiative, RAKSUL made great strides towards realizing the globalization vision of our CEO, Yasukane Matsumoto. 

The pandemic has brought about many paradigm shifts ranging from business models, organizational cultures, educational systems to global economics. The already tightly connected world is now flattened with boundaries and barriers becoming far less daunting. RAKSUL has been a front-runner in this new paradigm with the truly “born-in-the-cloud” RAKSUL India Private Limited (RIPL). We have acquired some amazing talent from seven different states in India, and one of them is in fact a Japanese national who recently relocated to India. 

Collaboration across cultures can happen effectively only after achieving a certain degree of Cultural Integration, which is commonly defined as “people from more than one culture coming together to form a unique, multicultural unit where each culture retains its character, features and values”. While RAKSUL as a company has clearly distinguished itself in the Japanese industry as a new-age tech firm, it has the entrepreneurial DNA of a Silicon Valley start-up characterized by agility and nimbleness. A new technology center like RIPL is naturally imparted with the youthful exuberance, pull-through and tech-savviness of the Indian technology ecosystem, nicely complementing its inherited values of Japanese quality and holistic ownership. Now, that is a potent concoction. But how do we harness its power? How do we channelize this inherent diversity to ensure alignment with the business?

In our experience, we find three factors to be vital in forging this delicate integration:

Acceptance As engineers, it is but natural for us to try to find rationale, logic and explanation for things we observe. The fact of the matter however is that many such cultural differences, preferences and norms may not have obvious reasons or explanations. In a team environment, respect for such diversity and unequivocal acceptance yields the most benefit. 

Getting educated about the other culture with an open mind is something that really helped us. In this day and age, we have access to very relevant information, literally at our fingertips. As a team, we went through cross-cultural orientation and assimilation. Our team members were sensitized about how some seemingly natural aspects to them could be interpreted quite differently by others who come from different cultures and professional backgrounds. Quite a few things fell into perspective when healthy curiosity was met with discovery.  A key lesson learned was to accept and respect different customs, beliefs and values without explanations and logic. 

Empathy Even people of the same country can come from highly diverse traditions, backgrounds and experiences. Inculcating an understanding of such diversity goes a long way in developing a sense of empathy within the team. Some of the examples we encountered were in the differences in expectations, assumptions, norms and preferences of individuals. 

While demonstrating multidimensionality was an expectation in one culture, honing specialization was the preference of the other. While ad hoc working was natural and perfectly comfortable for some team members, it was seen to be a bit chaotic and unstructured by some others. While “ownership” meant jumping onto anything that needed attention to some leaders, to a few others it actually meant promptly delivering what they have been assigned, without getting distracted. Once these subtle differences were understood and dealt with empathy, frictions started getting eliminated.  

Adaptation By far, adaptation is the hardest, yet most powerful tool in a multicultural team-member’s toolbox. In our journey thus far as a global team building Josys, we have observed that the collective will to quickly learn as well as unlearn is the most effective antidote to being bogged down by old baggage that gets heavier by the day, amidst such rich team diversity. One flip-side of smart people from diverse backgrounds quickly meshing together into a team is that their personal successes in the past would have reinforced their individual approaches, albeit in very different contexts. This invariably happened to us too. We countered this phenomenon in two ways: 

First, by encouraging mindful context-awareness: bringing to the fore the uniqueness of the context we currently operate in and the multitude of considerations required (in the present context) before resorting to our predispositions. It was immensely insightful for the team members to deeply comprehend the nuances of the market we are targeting, the preferences of the customers we are catering to and the nature of the business we are undertaking. 

Second, by placing a strong emphasis on the core values of RAKSUL and formulating missions grounded in reality aimed at solving our customers’ problems systematically, with across-the-board cooperation. When our team started orienting around these resonating missions aligned with customer value, the significance of the HOW diminished and mattered much less than the WHAT. Personal preferences for doing things in a particular way became more a means to an end, and this fostered adaptation and constant alignment. 

Another impetus for continual adaptation came from our maniacal focus on understating how much do the customers really value what the team has been delivering incrementally in the Josys platform. Our strong beliefs and convictions became mere hypotheses that get validated in the field soon enough. Adapting accordingly is the only sensible choice. 

In summary, starting a global centre, building a winning team and launching a brand-new product for RAKSUL in record time has been a truly gratifying, enriching and learning privilege for everyone involved. Knowing our CEO’s vision for RAKSUL, Josys and RIPL, there isn't an iota of doubt that this is just the beginning of an amazing journey, with many more fascinating experiences in store!


[The author of this article, Sanjay Rajasekhar, is the President of Raksul India Pvt. Ltd. (RIPL) and also its first employee.]

Building Products in the API Economy

This article takes you through the evolution of the API Economy and why it’s important to build products today that are relevant in the API Economy.


For the uninitiated, Josys, which was officially launched in September 2021 is the latest product to come out of RAKSUL’s product portfolio. Josys is a complete cloud solution for IT Device & SaaS Management which automates and simplifies IT operations to support the employee lifecycle in Enterprises.

One of Josys’s key features is providing the IT Admins of enterprises the ability to perform several User Management related operations on Enterprise softwares like visualisation of account information, account provisioning and de-provisioning. For this feature, we have integrated with the user management APIs of 40+ enterprise softwares. This phase gave me a chance to take a close look at how these enterprise softwares unlock opportunities and provide means to increase efficiency through the extensive API support that they offer.

API Economy and its evolution

API Economy pertains to business opportunities and operational efficiencies that can be unlocked and derived out of applications and services using APIs.

The API economy has grown exponentially in the last few years. In addition to improving and solving many of the operational inefficiencies that previously existed in the industry, APIs have also resulted in the emergence of many new opportunities and revenue streams for businesses. So much so that Salesforce generates more than 50% of its revenue today through APIs.

The API economy in fact has given rise to many startups and products that leverage APIs to automate workflows and to integrate various applications. The success of products like Zapier is a testament to this fact. In fact, Zapier today is a unicorn whose business model is completely reliant on APIs offered by other applications. They provide integrations and workflows across 3000+ enterprise softwares, thereby increasing efficiency and saving time for enterprises to a great extent.

On similar lines, the success of many products like Shopify is attributed to the wide range of integrations that they offer with other systems.

Industry practices in the API economy

Most modern day enterprise softwares have rich API support through which several operations can be performed on these applications on a user’s behalf. While the nature of such operations depend on the software, some common use cases (but not limited to) are:

  • Triggering an alert and sending across information in the relevant form when a certain event occurs. For example, when a query from a customer on the CRM software is received, a message to a channel on Slack can be triggered so that the customer support team is instantly notified.
  • Extracting stats and reports from multiple sources like CRM, analytics, Project Management softwares to provide a consolidated report to Product Managers.

While some of the desired integrations and workflows across applications are readily supported by existing solutions or apps, specific or customised solutions would have to be developed based on the requirements and the APIs that are on offer.

Most established modern day enterprise softwares like Google Workspace, Slack, Microsoft 365 etc. have several things in common with respect to the API support they extend such as:

  • Developers can build apps by making use of the APIs that these softwares provide. Some of these softwares even have a marketplace where these apps can be published and distributed commercially to be used by the larger community.
  • Most applications make use of protocols like Oauth2 for data access through the APIs, ensuring data privacy.
  • The APIs available are well documented and easy to understand. Some applications like Google Workspace and Slack even have an interactive dashboard for trying out the APIs, enabling even someone with limited coding knowledge to explore the APIs and identify opportunities.

How Josys takes advantage of APIs

As stated earlier, many value propositions that are offered on Josys today depend on the API support extended by various enterprise applications.

Josys being an IT asset and SaaS Management platform, having the up to date employee ledger on the platform becomes crucial for our users to perform any operation, be it asset related or SaaS management related. While the IT admins can update the employee ledger through a CSV upload or by adding employees manually on the platform, this requires manual effort and isn’t very user friendly. For this reason, we have integrations with SmartHR and Google Workspace, allowing our users to choose either of them as the employee ledger source. We make use of the APIs provided by these applications to import the employee information on a daily basis, eliminating the need for any manual intervention.

Similarly, for the SaaS management feature, we make use of the user management APIs of enterprise softwares wherein users can perform account provisioning, de-provisioning and account visualisation in bulk across multiple applications, eliminating the need for going to the admin panel of each of the applications and performing these operations individually. Some of the popular apps supported are Google Workspace, Slack, Microsoft 365, Jobcan.

As you can tell by now, APIs are the backbone of the value propositions that we offer on Josys today and are going to play a crucial role in the features we will be adding in the future.


As more and more Enterprises head towards Digital Transformation and automation, the API economy is going to become all the more prevalent and APIs are going to play an integral role in how enterprises would solve complex business problems.

The API economy also opens up possibilities for building products that leverage the APIs offered by other applications. Hence, it becomes important for businesses to extend their product functionalities through APIs to maintain a competitive advantage.

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Check out all the Advent Calendar articles by RAKSUL



RAKSUL Advent Calendar 2021の22日目を担当する五百井(いおい)です。







なお、ブラウザでプログラムを実行して結果が即座にブラウザに返ってくるUIをノートブックと言います。実験ノートのように実行結果を記録しておいたりメモを添えたりできるためこのように呼ばれます。ColaboratoryのUIは有名なノートブックのJupyter Notebookとほぼ同じです。環境構築なしで使えるJupyter Notebookといってもよいでしょう。


事業開発におけるMVPとはMinimum Viable Productの略で、必要最小限の機能を備えたプロダクトのことです。とくにスタートアップにおける事業立ち上げでよく使われる概念です。



※イラストは「Making sense of MVP」(https://blog.crisp.se/2016/01/25/henrikkniberg/making-sense-of-mvp) より引用










StepFunctions を CDK + Typescript で構築するサンプル集

title: StepFunctions を CDK + Typescript で構築するサンプル集

こんにちは。ノバセル事業本部の星野です。本日は、Raksul Advent Calendar 21日目です。

最近の業務で、StepFunctions によって Web サービスを構築する機会がありました。 StepFunctions は AWS の各種サービスをつかったワークフローを構築するためのサービスです。 Lambda, ECS, AWS Batch, Aurora Serverless など様々なサービスの呼び出しをステートマシン形式で定義することができます。


このとき、AWS クラウド開発キット(CDK) を触り、いくつかのサービスを使ったワークフローを構築したのですが、非常に便利な組み合わせだなあと感動しました。

本稿では StepFunctions を CDK を使って構築する際によくありそうな実装パターンをサンプル集としてまとめてみました。



こんにちは。ノバセル事業部システム開発部エンジニアの山中です。RAKSUL Advent Calendar 21日目を担当します。





  • データロード(データをウェアハウス内に蓄積する)
  • データクレンジング(データを整え、利用しやすいようにする)
  • データ分析(ウェアハウス内のデータを分析してビジネス示唆を出す)
  • データの蓄積(データを1箇所に集中管理する)
  • データの公開・共有


ラクスル社内ではノバセル事業部のデータ基盤として昨年より導入しています。Google BigQueryやAmazon Redshiftと比較されがちな製品ですが、Snowflakeの優れた点をいくつかご紹介したいと思います。




CREATE TABLE target_table CLONE source_table






SELECT * FROM table_a AT(timestamp => '2021-12-20 12:00:00'::timestamp);


CREATE TABLE backup_table CLONE source_table AT(timestamp => '2021-12-20 12:00:00'::timestamp);
ALTER TABLE backup_table SWAP WITH source_table



マイクロパーティションとデータクラスタリング - Snowflake Documentation




さらに、データを販売するプラットフォーム「Snowflake Data Marketplace」も提供されています。

Snowflake Data Marketplace | Access Live, Ready-to-Query Data

この機能は、Snowflakeのスローガン「Mobilize the world's data」(欲しいデータを欲しい時に使える)を実現する上でもっとも中心的な存在となっています。

上記以外にもSnowflakeには優れた点があります。Snowflakeの特徴について詳細を知りたい方は、以下のData VIz Labさんのブログなどをご覧ください。






  • Snowflakeの技術や環境を正しく理解し利用するためのスキルを習得する
  • データドリブンな世界を実現していくためのビジョンを言語化できるようになる
  • 同じ理想を持ったネットワーク・コミュニティの形成




















